Sekolah Kena Pajak? – Sahabat Guru

Starting next year, there will be a significant shift in the education landscape in Indonesia. The government has decided to impose a 12% Value Added Tax (VAT) on certain educational institutions through fiscal policy. This policy specifically targets schools categorized as “premium” or “luxurious,” with criteria still in the finalization stage. One key indicator used

Penjabat Bupati Manggarai Timur Sambut Baik Upaya APKASI Tingkatkan Kualitas SDM Melalui Program BIE-D

The Acting Regent of East Manggarai Welcomes APKASI’s Efforts to Improve Human Resources Quality Through the BIE-D Program East Manggarai – According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), East Manggarai, one of the districts in East Nusa Tenggara Province, shows a positive trend in community participation to pursue higher education. This positive trend

Bangkitkan Semangat Penelitian dan Riset, Majukan Negeri

Professor Stella Christie, serving as the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, emphasizes the crucial and strategic role of research and science in advancing the nation. She made these remarks at the opening of the National Youth Researchers Competition (NYRC) 2024 held at Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) on

Deep Learning, Transformasi Pendidikan Indonesia

Deputy Minister of Basic and Secondary Education (Wamendikdasmen) emphasizes the government’s commitment to providing quality education for all Indonesian students. During his working visit to Riau, Prof. Atip Latipulhayat stressed the importance of education that not only provides access but also equips students with the necessary skills in the modern era, such as science, technology,

Kemenag Berikan Perlindungan Jamsostek untuk Guru Madrasah Non-ASN

In an effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) has taken a strategic step by providing social security assurance (Jamsostek) to non-civil servant madrasah teachers. Through a collaboration with the Workers Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), this program has reached 165,768 teachers across Indonesia. This initiative demonstrates

Coding dan AI Masuk Kurikulum Sekolah?

Indonesia is striving to become a more advanced country in the digital world. One concrete step taken by the government is integrating coding and artificial intelligence (AI) learning into the school curriculum. Starting from the academic year 2025-2026, middle and high school students in the country will have the opportunity to learn how to create

Upaya Percepatan Sertifikasi Guru Madrasah dan Pesantren

Government efforts to improve the quality of education through various policies, such as accelerating the teacher certification process, are crucial for the advancement of education in Indonesia. Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Romo HR Muhammad Syafi’i, revealed the government’s plan to complete the certification of all madrasah and pesantren teachers within two years, if possible.

Adakah harapan baru bagi pendidikan di Indonesia?

Under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto, a series of highly anticipated new policies have been announced for teachers nationwide. These policies aim to improve the welfare and quality of education in Indonesia. One key point in these policies is the salary increase for teachers. Civil servant teachers will receive a one-time basic salary increase,

Menjadi Teladan: Sebuah Inovasi Tiada Henti

Losing role models is a significant source of problems for a civilization. As the times become more tumultuous, identity crises deepen, and moral and ethical degradation worsens. Various demands become more apparent, while expectations are placed on those who are currently striving to stand firm in front of the generation of the community. Being an

Yayasan Pendidikan Adiluhung Nusantara dan Korea Indonesia Enhanced Networks Jalin Kerja Sama Strategis

Exciting News: Yayasan Pendidikan Adiluhung Nusantara Partners with Korea Indonesia Enhanced Networks In a significant development for education in Indonesia, Yayasan Pendidikan Adiluhung Nusantara has officially forged a partnership with Korea Indonesia Enhanced Networks. The collaboration aims to strengthen cooperation in various fields such as education, training, scholarships, workforce deployment, and more. The signing of